It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life, and before we know it we find ourselves in an endless cycle of

wake, work, eat, sleep, repeat

But what if I told you there’s a tool that can help you manifest your dreams, stay on track, and add a sprinkle of joy to your everyday life?

Enter one of my biggest passions…vision boards!

What is a Vision Board?

Quite simply, a vision board is a visual representation of what you want out of your life. Your goals, dreams, and most importantly, how you want to feel. 

The Point of it All

Have you ever felt the weight of uncompleted tasks piling up? The laundry that somehow turns into a mysterious mountain?

A vision board is your anchor amidst the chaos, a gentle nudge to stay focused on what truly matters.

What is NOT a Vision Board

A To-Do List

  • A vision board is not a checklist of tasks. It’s not about adding more things to your daily agenda but about envisioning the life you want to lead.

Something that Stresses You Out

  • If creating or looking at your vision board induces stress, you might be approaching it with the wrong mindset. A vision board is meant to inspire, not overwhelm.

Something that Adds Unnecessary Pressure

  • Your vision board should not be a source of pressure or guilt. It’s a reflection of your aspirations, not a tool to beat yourself up for not achieving everything instantly.

Something that Does Not Inspire You

  • If your vision board doesn’t evoke feelings of excitement, joy, or inspiration, it might need a revamp. It should be a source of positive energy and motivation.

Remember, a vision board is a tool to foster positivity and help you visualize your goals. If it starts feeling like a burden, take a step back, reassess, and infuse it with the elements that truly resonate with your dreams and aspirations. Keep it light, keep it inspiring!

Why is visualisation so important

Here’s why it’s a game-changer:

Activates the Brain’s Neural Pathways

Really? Yes, really. When you deeply imagine a scenario, your brain interprets it as a real experience. This activates the same neural pathways that would be involved if you were actually doing it. Crazy, right?!

Enhances Positive Thinking, Boosts Confidence, Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Constantly visualizing success, your mind becomes trained to positive thinking, reducing anxiety and promoting a more optimistic mindset. Surrounding yourself with things that align with you, you become more comfortable and confident in your own life.

Maintains Focus and Motivation

When your vision board is where you see it every day, looking at it becomes a regular thing you do without thinking. It turns into a habit, and before you know it, you’re naturally visualizing and setting goals throughout the day without even realizing it.

How to Make a Vision Board

Materials You’ll Need:

  • Board: Choose from cork, white, poster, or even a journal. Your canvas, your choice.
  • Binding: Pins, magnets, tape, or glue
  • Images: Gather computer printouts, magazines, old books, or even your artwork.
  • Tools: Scissors, pen, and paper
  • Optional: Colored pencils, markers, paint, GLITTER – let your creativity run wild!

Check out my inspo list!

The Vision Board Process

Creating your vision board is like painting a picture of your dreams – no strict rules, just pure creativity! Here’s an easy step-by-step guide

1. Set Up Your Space

Find a cozy spot where you can focus. Make it your creative nook. No distractions. Make sure you’re not tired, hungry, or thirsty. Gather everything you may need to settle in.

2. Think About Your Life

Take a moment to daydream about what you really want in different parts of your life. Need help? Try the quick Visualization below.

Exercise: It’s time to visualise

Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and picture your ideal life. What does it look like? What achievements do you see? What does a perfect day look like to you? Let your mind wander, and note how it makes you feel.

Some questions and prompts you can use to reflect:

  • What are your values?
  • What truly motivates you?
  • What’s missing from your life? Rest, sleep, relaxation, FUN, maybe a little you time?
  • What do you struggle with? Motivation, Procrastination, Anxiety, Stress, Money
  • Out of those struggles are there any common obstacles? Time management, trauma, toxic relationships?
  • What things did you do as a kid/teenager that you no longer do?
  • What brings you joy?
  • Write a bucket list of activities or locations
  • Write a fear list, and decide if you want to overcome those fears
  • Write an affirmations or gratitude list

3. Set Goals

Employ the SMART criteria to set crystal-clear goals. What are you striving for? Make it tangible, measurable, and oh-so-achievable.

4. Structure

Craft a vision board that speaks volumes about the unique you. Let your creativity flow as you choose the board that resonates with your style.

Different Types of Vision Boards

  • Collages

Whether it’s on posterboard, corkboard, or framed, the classic collage vision board is a hands-on masterpiece. Dive into magazines, printouts, and personal mementos to create a physical representation of your dreams. Feeling artsy? Paint the backdrop to add a personalized touch.

Tip: For a portable version, consider a smaller corkboard or a framed mini-collage for your desk.

  • Digital Boards

Create a vision board on your computer, phone, or platforms like Pinterest. Gather images online, create a digital collage, and save it as your screensaver or wallpaper. The advantage? Carry your dreams with you wherever you go. Just make sure its somewhere you see it everyday!!

Tip: Pinterest boards are not only personal but shareable. Connect with others and discover even more inspiration.

  • Bullet Journals

For the artistic souls who love to jot down their thoughts, bullet journaling is anoption. Use sections or spreads dedicated to your goals, dreams, and aspirations. Add doodles, quotes, and affirmations to create a visual diary of your journey.

Tip: Carry your bullet journal with you for instant inspiration during the day.

  • Dream Walls

Transform a section of your living space into a dream wall. Pin up images, quotes, and drawings directly onto the wall. It’s an immersive experience, creating a daily reminder of your goals. Perfect for those who prefer a constant visual presence.

Tip: Use removable adhesive hooks or washi tape for easy changes and updates.

  • Metal or String Grids

For those who like a bit of order, try a metal or string grid. Clip or pin images onto the grid in organized sections – a quadrant for personal goals, another for career aspirations, and so on. This approach provides a structured yet visually appealing layout.

Tip: Choose a grid that complements your room’s aesthetic for a seamless blend.

  • Blended Approach

Why settle for one when you can have it all? Blend different elements – photos, collage, text, and even categories – onto a single vision board. This approach allows for a dynamic and personalized representation of your diverse dreams.

Tip: Use washi tape or colored borders to create sections for different life areas.

  • Themed Boards: A Focused Narrative

Craft your vision board with a theme in mind. Whether it’s ‘Adventure Awaits,’ ‘Mindful Living,’ or ‘Career Excellence,’ a themed board adds a focused narrative to your dreams.

5. Find and Create Images

Scour magazines, old books, or unleash your inner artist to find or create images that mirror your dreams.

6. Organize

Play around! Arrange your collected items on your board. Move things around until it looks good and feels inspiring.

7. Place and Secure Images

Get hands-on! Arrange your images on the board, securing them with your chosen binding materials.

8. Add Personal Touches

Infuse your board with your essence. Dive into optional tools like colored pencils or markers, artificial flowers, plants, bows. This is your masterpiece, and every stroke adds to its uniqueness.

9. Display

Let your creation bask in the spotlight. Display your vision board where you can soak in its positivity daily.

10. Connect Daily:

Spend a little time with your vision board regularly. Let it remind you of your goals and motivate you to take steps toward making them real.

Remember: Your vision board is a reflection of your journey. Experiment with different styles and display options until you find what resonates with you. Let your dreams shine in a way that feels authentic and inspiring to you.

Check in with yourself!

I like to check back in on my board at the six month mark. But feel free to change it as you grow.

You can even leave a little extra space to add to it, and can easily take things away that are no longer in line with what you want. I also leave some images or texts for the next years vision board.

It’s here to cheer you on as you chase after the life you want. And that is a journey, a process. So we might as well enjoy it!

Vision Board Workshops!

I also host my own in person Vision Board Workshops! Tucked away in the woods in a village outside of Hannover, Germany. Let’s cozy up next to a fire, enjoy some nature, and envision our lives ahead.